Lamy to Chicago

We boarded our train just about on time at 2:00.

We found are rooms quickly. They were a lot roomier than we expected (we are in smaller rooms than we did on previous trips). Our attendant seems like a really nice guy.

After a couple hours, we got our dinner reservations for 5:30. We went to dinner as we pulled into Raton, NM. Vicky had Roasted Game Hen (fancy words for chicken), Stephen had a hot dog (one of the best I have ever tasted), Michael had pizza and I had steak. We were all happy and retired back to our rooms around 6:30.

Around 8:00 we arrive in La Junta, Co where we got off the train for close to 20 minutes.

After leaving La Junta our car attendant came by and converted our room to beds. All that space we had before went away real quick! There was about 1 square foot of floor space with the beds converted.

I, of course, did not sleep much. I do not say that “I did not sleep good,” because I did not mind. I was on a train! When not sleeping, I enjoyed looking out the big window and watching the country go by. I would also listen in on the train crews radios. A common railfanning thing to do is to bring a scanner along and listen in to all the train crew chatter and business. It has been cool! I know know why we are stopped when stopped or why the electricity is out in our car.

Because of our detraining in Kansas City at around 8:00 AM, breakfast was served early. We were up and in the dining car at 6:00. It was packed and we spent a good 45 minutes in there. We all had French Toast with sausage. It was excellent.

We went back to our rooms and our attendant had already converted them back to seating. We waited about an hour until we pulled into KC. They have a really nice station there.

The plan now is everyone going to Chicago will be bussed from KC to Chicago. So we left the station and boarded a bus. Unfortuantly, our bus was the last to leave and we did not get away from KC until 9:30.

After stopping for lunch around 1:00, I took charge of the entertainment on the bus. I pulled out a couple of DVD’s and played them on the buses tv system. I also arranged for the US Navy Blue Angels to put on a brief performance for the whole bus.

We arrive via bus into Chicago around 7:00 and we are now in the lounge waiting for our train to Albany. Praise God! We made it and did not have to be bussed anymore. He answered my prayers.

More to come.

7 thoughts on “Lamy to Chicago

  1. Sounds like a great beginning!! Stephen and Michael look wonderful in those shirts. I love the color.

    Vicky looks great, too.

    Looking forward to the next installment.

    Love all of you,

  2. So glad you arrived safely…Sounds like the bus ride was not so bad after all.
    We leave for Red River in the morning. We can’t wait to get back and hear all about your trip. Have Fun!

  3. Great sounding adventure so far. Glad the new bedrooms worked out OK even they were a little smaller. Very nice pixs of everybody. Enjoy all the train/subway/light rail travel around Boston.

    Love to all!

  4. I’m glad to hear the bus was not so bad. Glad to hear you made it safely!

    Have fun!!!

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