Did not have a chance to post the last couple of days so will wrap it up here.
We arrived into Chicago where we had to wait a few minutes before getting into the First Class lounge…

We boarded the Texas Eagle and departed right on time. Right before the first station stop, a truck hit a bridge we go over so we had to stop and wait for a bridge inspector to come. So the trip started 2 hours and 15 minutes behind. Oh well. We are on a train.
Our first meal time on the Texas Eagle…

I had enough points to get us all in the larger bedrooms. We were able to open the wall between two of them.

It was nice to have the extra room.
We stepped of the train somewhere to take a pic…

Right outside of Dallas, there was a fire where they had the fire hoses running over the tracks so we had to wait about an hour for that. We arrived into Dallas about two hours late. Stephen and I took an Uber to the parking lot at Love field to get the car and then came back and picked everyone and luggage up from the train station. Drive home was uneventful and arrived about 9:00pm.
So that is it. For me, this was a very tiring vacation. So much walking and so many stairs. It was freakin awesome, but now I need recovery time.
Will this be the last post ever to this blog? Who knows. I have no other plans but I love having the memories stored here. Only time will tell.