Day 7 London Trip

Started the day by realizing my phone did not charge properly overnight. Since I am the only one with data service, it is pretty important my phone works for us to get around. Was able to get the charge to 79% before leaving.

We started the day by going to the London Zoo…

Have not been in one of these since India in 2014…

Our traditional picture of Stephen with the flamingos…

And for the Harry Potter fans, here is where Harry first talked to a snake and made the glass disappear…

My favorite animal…

We stopped at a Five Guys for lunch and really enjoyed the drink machine with all the soft drinks and ice we wanted.

These painted words found at many crosswalks in London, are VERY useful for us Americans. Figuring out which way traffic will be coming from can be right confusing.

Then we went to Kensington Palace…

After that, we stopped by Harrod’s to look around at stuff we can’t afford…

Traveling back to the VRBO, we hit rush hour on the trains. We were PACKED into this train for around 30 minutes. You have to give up the idea of personal space.

My legs and feet are hurting today more than they ever have. Of course, tomorrow might prove to be even more walking so I will just have to keep going through the pain. We finished early today so hopefully extra rest tonight will help.

3 thoughts on “Day 7 London Trip

  1. Craig, a secret to the phone issue: portable charger! Never leave home without one. Lol.

  2. After all of Stephen’s special zoo pictures all these years I think I know what to get him for his birthday! Clever idea for the street markings. Love to all.

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