We got up and headed out to the Zoo this morning.
Not a large zoo, but real nice. I love sitting staring at the gorillas close up.
After a quick lunch at the zoo, we headed back to Long Wharf to catch a boat to the Boston Harbor Island called George’s Island. There is a very cool old fort on the island. However, rain would mess things up.
I have to say, it has rained several times this week, however, it has ALWAYS rained while we were inside somewhere. It has never rained when we were outside or wanted to be outside. During the boat ride, it began to POUR. The boat stopped at another island first and it was still coming down. As we pulled up to George’s Island, it totally stops raining!
We walk around the fort for about thirty minutes before a park ranger comes around gathering everyone up because of lightning. They then made everyone take the next boat off, still, we hardly got a sprinkle on us.
We got back to Long Wharf and got dinner at a local restaurant (no not McDonalds). Then we boarded a stinkin PACKED train back to our hotel. Each stop, just when I thought no one else could fit on this train, more would get on.
Now, we are back at the hotel getting our bags organized and the boys are playing restaurant in the other room. As I said before, our first leg of the trip home will be on a bus, from Boston to Albany. However, the other portion we were bussed on coming here is now been restored! So we should be be train all the way after Albany. An answered prayer for sure!
I may try to make a post tomorrow, but it may not be until Thursday in Chicago before I get a chance.
Well, everybody seems to be enjoying the trip. Good pictures. How does one rate a ‘private box’ in the Old North Church…interesting seating arrangements! I watched some of the BB game on TV and thought I might see you all, but no luck. You can turn in your Red Sox cap now! The old fort sounded interesting…glad you all were able, for the most part, to duck the rain.
Have a fun trip to Chicago.
Love to all.
Sounds like you are all enjoying the trip. Craig the pics are really great. I’ve never heard of these places you are going so it’s neat to see some of this country you’ve never been too. Enjoy your train ride back and take care. Vickie, give us females your view on what you’ve seen 🙂 Sometimes we have a different view of what we see when we are out and about.
Take care,